Running Time:

Production Company:




10 minutes  

Funk Soul Media

Ruairí Cahill

Doiminic Ó’Brolcháin

Ruairí Cahill

Bertie Brosnan



Ruairí Cahill

Kyle Murphy

Ruairí Cahill


From the shadows of Ireland’s ancient past, a spirit reawakens to bring fresh perspectives and new meaning to age-old cultural connections.


From the shadows of Ireland’s ancient past a spirit reawakens to bring fresh perspectives and new meaning to age-old cultural connections…

It’s almost three thousand years since tribes of Indo-European migrants travelled across land and sea to the island of Ireland.

These tribes would come to be known collectively as the ancient Celts, but who exactly were they? What culture and traditions did they bring to Ireland? Where is their cultural impact felt today in Irish society?

This short bilingual documentary shares enlightening knowledge about the history of the ancient Celts in Ireland as well as uplifting and connective stories about the people who are leading the way in Ireland’s ancient Celtic culture revival.

Featuring beautifully woven Irish language voice over narration and interviews, striking cinematography and a soundtrack bursting with ancient Celtic energy; this production is nothing short of a feast for the senses as well as being an engaging and informative non-fiction film experience.


The short documentary Spiorad Ceilteach [Celtic Spirit] was born out of aspiring filmmaker Ruairí Cahill’s vision to reawaken the spirit of the ancient Celts in the hearts and minds of modern Irish society.

Ruairí comments: “Everywhere I look around me today I see, hear and feel the influence of these fascinating ancient peoples. The Celtic Spirit is ever present in our cherished Gaelic games [GAA], traditional music culture, indigenous Irish language and beautiful nature”. My key aim with the production is to bridge the three thousand year gap between us and our historic ancestors through the medium of film.”

Funded by the Ultach Trust [Community Foundation NI] this not-for-profit film engaged forty people from counties Armagh, Down and Louth between May – October 2024.

“We are deeply appreciative of the talents, skills, abilities, creativity, wisdom and open heartedness of all those who contributed to our short documentary production.” – Ruairí Cahill [Film Director]


Niamh Noade

Junior Eurovision competitor and The Voice Kids finalist Niamh Noade shares her perspective on the rebirth of ancient Celtic culture from a young Irish teenager’s viewpoint.


Cú Chulainn

Multilingual rap artist Cú Chulainn shares the compelling story behind his artistic concept and passion for all things ancient Celtic.



Jodie Jackson

Visual storyteller Jodie Jackson aka ‘Fae of the Woods’ brings the story and image of the ancient Celtic Goddess Macha to breathtaking cinematic life.


DIRECTOR, Ruairí Cahill

Since graduating with a BA Honours in Film [Media] Production from Staffordshire University, Ruairí has excelled in his career as a business filmmaker; his video production company Funk Soul Media having produced compelling brand stories, short documentary series and promotional content for internationally acclaimed brands and artists such as: David Guetta, The Malta Tourism Authority, Ministry of Sound London, Carl Cox and Sony Music.

Spiorad Ceilteach [Celtic Spirit] is Ruairí’s debut short documentary production; the aspiring filmmaker channelling five years experience creating highly emotive and engaging, world level visual content into an expertly crafted and captivating Irish heritage story.

Director’s Statement:

“My vision with Spiorad Ceilteach [Celtic Spirit] is to create an intimate narrative around the people who are playing a pivotal role in Ireland’s ancient Celtic culture revival. This is a subject that is very close to my heart. The ancient Celts laid the foundations of our indigenous Gaelic culture. A culture that has survived suppression and oppression; a culture that means so much to so many people at home here in Ireland and across the world.”

“My key aim with the production is to bridge the three thousand year gap between us and our ancient Celtic ancestors through the medium of film.”

“Modern filmmaking, sound design and editing techniques have allowed us to create a thoroughly immersive, multi-sensory film experience. I want viewers to feel like they can literally reach out and touch the ancient Celtic world.”

– Ruairí Cahill [Film Director]

PRODUCER, Bertie Brosnan

Bertie Brosnan is an award-winning Irish filmmaker and video producer known for his compelling storytelling and significant contributions to independent cinema. Originating from Tralee, County Kerry, and now based in Dublin, Bertie has produced and directed several acclaimed films that have garnered international attention.

His short films, Jacob Wrestling with the Angel and Sineater, were showcased at the prestigious marketplace Cannes Short Film Corner after lengthy festival runs, facilitating their worldwide distribution by securing deals with Shorts TV and SoFy.TV. Bertie also wrote, directed, and produced the feature-length Con, a drama praised for originality and depth. The film premiered at the Kerry Film Festival and received strong, positive critical reception.

Based on the success of these films, Bertie won highly competitive grants from the Arts Council of Ireland, which funded two more short films. He then began developing his pilot script based on the life and career of Irish High King Brian Boru. This script informed his later novella, The Forgotten Prince, which he self-published in 2024.

Expanding his repertoire, Bertie has launched a video and documentary series focused on Irish history, mythology, and folklore, further solidifying his commitment to cultural storytelling and the preservation of Irish heritage.


“Ní mór don domhan taithí a fháil ar an scannán seo.”

“The world needs to experience this film.” 

Réamonn O Ciarain, MD [Gael Linn]